Cleverbot For Discord Review – The Discord Bot That Talks To You

Cleverbot For Discord Review – The Discord Bot That Talks To You

All the way back in 2006, the chat site Cleverbot was born, where you can converse with an AI-programmed computer that adjusts its responses based on what people enter. Nowadays, you can even use Cleverbot in a completely different environment by integrating it with your Discord server. If you’re looking for a Discord bot that talks to you, Cleverbot is definitely something you’ll want to install.

In this article, we go over everything you need to know about the Cleverbot project, the dedicated Discord bot, how to install and set up the Cleverbot Discord bot, what to do when it is offline, and answer any other questions you might have.

The history of Cleverbot

Even though Cleverbot has only become popular in the last decade or so, the history of this interesting artificial intelligence project is actually quite lengthy. It was initially developed by Rollo Carpenter, a British scientist who specialized in developing and researching artificial intelligence systems. Its predecessor, Jabberwacky, was actually active in 1997 but was later replaced by Cleverbot.

Cleverbot For Discord Review - The Discord Bot That Talks To You

Being one of the first AI systems on the internet to which you could actually talk, and where the responses were not pre-programmed, Cleverbot has risen to fame and is one of the most famous chatbots out there. It’s estimated that the smart bot has already had over 150 million conversations with humans. Over the years, the developers upgraded Cleverbot’s systems to make them even more accurate and human-like. And the beauty of AI is that the more conversations it has, the more it can learn, one of the principles of fuzzy logic action. If you’ve talked to Cleverbot a couple of years ago, you might be surprised to see that it has actually improved by a ton since then.

Furthermore, the development behind Cleverbot is actually working on creating a completely new version of the human-like chat application. They would integrate even more sophisticated techniques, including machine learning, to hopefully make the experience more lifelike. At this time, one could argue that the original Cleverbot has already passed the Turing Test back in 2011, where 59.3% of people out of 1334 believed the conversations to be human. At this time, Cleverbot is available online ( and on mobile platforms such as Android and iOS.

What’s the deal with Cleverbot on Discord?

Cleverbot For Discord Review - The Discord Bot That Talks To You

The Cleverbot integration on Discord, one of the most popular communication platforms with millions of monthly users, allows you to communicate with Cleverbot without actually opening the Cleverbot website. By integrating it to a Discord server, everyone in there can join in on the conversation and check previous messages.

The Cleverbot Discord bot is not an official release but was made by third-party developers and fans, for free. They use the Cleverbot API in order to come up with the responses, meaning that this actually uses the Cleverbot engine and isn’t just a cheap or untrustworthy knockoff. You can download the Cleverbot Discord bot over here. It seems to be one of the more popular apps, with thousands of people voting for it on bot websites.

The bot was made by Discord user Skylar#5039 and uses the regular discord.js library. A community server for the bot is also available, where you can ask questions and ask for support as well.

How to install Cleverbot on Discord: tutorial

Luckily, just like with most other Discord bots, the installation and setup are actually fairly simple. Using this link on the bot aggregator site, you can find the Invite button for Cleverbot. After pressing it, you’ll be prompted to log in to Discord via your browser, and then the following screen will show up. Log in, go over all the permissions and then simply choose the server you want to invite or install Cleverbot to. When you see a green checkmark with Authorized, you’ll know the bot has been installed successfully. That’s how easy it is to install the Discord bot that talks to you, and it only takes up a few seconds.

Cleverbot For Discord Review - The Discord Bot That Talks To You

What does Cleverbot do on Discord?

The idea of Cleverbot is very simple: you can just talk to the machine, and based on your input as well as the responses of the millions of conversations it has already had, it will formulate a response as good as possible. The conversations you’ll have over here will be much more intelligent than on Siri or Google Assistant, for example, as its main purpose is to sound as human as possible. And no – there is no human on the other side. If you want a Discord bot that talks to you, look no further.

Can you outsmart Cleverbot?

Machines aren’t perfect, and depending on what you enter, it can definitely get confusing. The easiest way to ‘outsmart’ or one-up Cleverbot, is by entering long, specific, and lengthy, complicated phrases. It’ll do much better at small talk, but its cracks will start to show with more sophisticated questions.

What are the CleverBot commands on Discord?

You can check out all of Cleverbot’s commands in the following list:

  • CB help: gives an overview of all commands
  • CB ping: states the ping value (internet latency, the lower the better)
  • CB add: select a channel to add CleverBot to
  • CB remove: remove Cleverbot from a certain Discord channel
  • CB invite: invites the bot to one of your servers
  • CB delete: purges and deletes previous chat logs with Cleverbot

What do to when Cleverbot is offline on Discord?

Luckily, the service doesn’t seem to go offline all that often, but the bot did use to have some issues a couple of years ago. Plenty of people have stated in reviews from 2019 and 2020 that the bot wasn’t always reliable and uptime wasn’t perfect, but those issues have since been resolved and the bot is practically always online now. If it does have some issues and Cleverbot isn’t working, definitely check the regular website or check the Discord community for updates.

Is Cleverbot on Discord safe?

Cleverbot has been around for multiple decades and has always had a good and perfectly safe reputation. No viruses or malware of any kind was ever spread with the chatbot, but there are some things to take into account.

Cleverbot For Discord Review - The Discord Bot That Talks To You

Because Cleverbot uses the information provided by humans, the bot has been known to start swearing in certain circumstances. In that sense, don’t be surprised if the bot starts throwing slurs or cusses at you (when you’re also cursing at it, for example). For that reason, it may be inappropriate for younger audiences and you might want to avoid using Cleverbot with children. The data you enter is also processed by artificial intelligence for further learning purposes, so it’s best not to enter any personal information into the conversations. Just treat Cleverbot as a stranger – you wouldn’t entrust them with personal details, but talking to them is no problem at all.

As for the Discord bot itself, there have been no reported issues with viruses or malware, so you can definitely install the Cleverbot Discord bot in full confidence. If you’re still not convinced about the safety of Discord bots, you can also check our full and detailed article about the security and safety of bots.

Summary: Cleverbot review for Discord

The Cleverbot Discord bot does exactly what is supposed to do: it allows you and your server mates to talk to a smart chatbot that sounds human and will definitely surprise you with its wit and intelligence. The commands are simple and the installation is quick – there’s really no reason not to give Cleverbot a try on your favorite chat application.

Paul Alexander

About the author

Paul Alexander has a Master of Science degree in Communication Studies and is a licensed teacher in Flanders, Belgium. He's been passionate about writing and technology ever since he was little and has more than ten years of experience in the vastly interesting world of consumer electronics and social media. He is also the founder of

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